Writer Spotlight

Writer's Spotlight


Onaolapo Kaothar Abdulkadir

My name is Onaolapo Kaothar Abdulkadir and I’m a Nigerian poet, writer and an overall Netflix potato. People ask me what inspires me to write and usually I say something normal, like books or the weather but the truth is, I inspire myself. My feelings and thoughts are usually haywire and in order not to fall off a metaphorical cliff, I write about it to put myself back in line. I’m usually the character in poems unless I pass by someone interesting in a movie or a book. Oh, I also use writing prompts and random sentences and personalize inanimate objects to get the juices flowing.   

The one thing, which I simultaneously love and hate about my writing process is that I never know what I’m writing about until I put the pen down. Most times I surprise myself and love it, other times, I realize I’ve created nonsense and try to fix it. But I guess art is subjective and what I think is trash, some people actually love. I’ve found myself leaning towards the darker side of humour so don’t be surprised by what you find on my page. 

You can find my wonderful works on Instagram @ashortdarkgirl. 
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